
Green is good

Introducing Huskisson's first business co-working space.

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It’s been attributed to everyone from McDonalds founder Ray Kroc and One Minute Manager author, Ken Blanchard, to an ancient Japanese proverb. But while its origin may be subject to some debate, there’s a great saying we’ve always appreciated that goes along the lines of “none of us is as smart as all of us.” At its heart these ten simple words are all about the power of collaboration and teamwork in delivering great ideas and outcomes. It’s a philosophy we’ve wholeheartedly embraced at The Marketing Clan since we first opened our doors. Indeed, our entire business model is built upon the need to foster close connections, communication and collaboration with our clients, but also within our own team which, at any given time, can be spread across as many as five different locations.

Time again and we see examples of the powerful impact these connections can have in producing ideas and results far greater than anything that could ever be achieved by working in isolation. To this end we’ve recently opened a new collaboration space in our hometown of Huskisson called The Greenhouse.

The Greenhouse is a flexible workspace where local businesspeople who’ve perhaps previously worked from their own small office (or even the family kitchen table!) can come together to work in an inspired creative setting and be part of something a little bigger. It’s a dynamic place looking out over idyllic Jervis Bay where you can share modern office amenities and, more importantly, feed off likeminded others – regardless of industry or occupation – who appreciate the rich value in collaboration rather than isolation.

A small number of spaces are currently available to join us in The Greenhouse. If you’re interested, you can email jamie@greenhousehuskisson.com.au or visitgreenhousehuskisson.com.au

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